
 Daniel would often forget that his body was not his own, then remember at the most random of times. For instance, today, he had just gotten out of the shower and was drying off when he looked down at his body and kinda just remembered that it wasn’t the body he was born in - that he used to be a poor man, in a house that was falling apart, addicted to every kind of drug you could think of, and truly down in the dumps. Now he was Kaitlin, a business woman who made six figures a year, had a nice house. He had stopped thinking about what was “his” but instead what was now “hers” - after all, Daniel had no reason why she swapped bodies with this person. Her original body never reached out or they never found each other so it was just a second chance. 

Daniels phone buzzed to bring her out of this trance. It was this guy she met at the bar last night wondering if she was down for round 2, getting flashbacks from last night he said yes in a heartbeat 


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