Saturday, August 13, 2022

Oh wow…

 “Oh wow” Thomas said as he ripped Elisha’s tits out of her sweater 

“I mean, I’m sad I missed your friend lady but you’re still not bad!” His tits were perfectly sensitive, and his pussy also responded greatly to the intense affection it’s gotten since Thomas got home. He used to be an accountant, but ever since he’d  been killed in that car accident - he’d been a ghost wondering around possessing people. He’d be celebrities, politicians, but by far his favorite host was the child of a rich person. He was able to live the life he’d always wanted, and do it again and again and again.

He meant to possess the ring leader, because he knew she’d be the best to tame, but this girl got in the way last minute. He didn’t wanna cause a ruckus so he waited it out - and he’s just now finding that maybe it wasn’t such a bad decision after all. 

Hey guys, so sorry about the delay with posts!! I now have two jobs (yippee :)) and ontop of school too I’m trying to make it work. Thanks for your patience! 

- Exo 

Saturday, August 6, 2022


 Daniel would often forget that his body was not his own, then remember at the most random of times. For instance, today, he had just gotten out of the shower and was drying off when he looked down at his body and kinda just remembered that it wasn’t the body he was born in - that he used to be a poor man, in a house that was falling apart, addicted to every kind of drug you could think of, and truly down in the dumps. Now he was Kaitlin, a business woman who made six figures a year, had a nice house. He had stopped thinking about what was “his” but instead what was now “hers” - after all, Daniel had no reason why she swapped bodies with this person. Her original body never reached out or they never found each other so it was just a second chance. 

Daniels phone buzzed to bring her out of this trance. It was this guy she met at the bar last night wondering if she was down for round 2, getting flashbacks from last night he said yes in a heartbeat 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Campfire Conversation

 It was one conversation, had while drunk, at the campfire. 

Stacy and Will (Her daughters boyfriend) had been talking about how hard it was to be each gender, the different societal expectations, inconvenient necessities, etc etc. They had no idea that a fairy lived in the lake they were next to - and decided to take action. 

Will woke up and immediately felt his new breasts and hair, he knew exactly what had happened and was excited, Kaylie’s mom was HOT, he dreamed about feeling up these tits and rubbing her pussy until she came - and that’s what he did. For hours. He’d try on new clothes, masturbate in them, throw them on the floor and repeat that cycle until his girlfriend called him down. 

“Mom cmon we’re gonna be late for the movie!!”

Shit, he thought, he forgot he was gonna go out with his girlfriends family today..the idea of seeing his old body made him want to rub one out again…is this how Stacie really felt? If so he’d happily oblige…

Hey guys! Just want to say thanks for all the support on Patreon! I’ve got Augusts Monthly Story in the editors booths rn so we should see it this first week :) If you’re interested the link is: Thanks! 

Fun Night

Derek couldnt stop dancing on the dance floor, alcohol felt so much different in Anise’s body and he loved it! He felt so cute and so free. ...