Friday, October 29, 2021

Coming to a friend

 Ever since Michael learned his best friend since childhood, Brittney, could swap bodies with people he had one question he was itching to ask: Could she swap him with a girl. He’d always felt he should be one, but didn’t want to go through the transition process, he just wanted to be a woman. So he asked, and she said yes.

They spent hours searching rich neighborhoods for the perfect bombshell - then they found Anna. Anna was a hot brunette, with this really pretty hazel eyes and perfect tits. It was the body he wanted. So, a little switcharoo and Michael was now Michelle. 

“Just thought I’d show you lol” - Michael texted, sending a nude selfie.

“Oh wow!! She really is pretty” Brit responded

“Tysm, the orgasms in this body are insane!!”

“Want some help? I really know how to pleasure the female body ;)”

“Yes please!” 

Brit would swap into a multitude of guys to really make Michael feel at home. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

Christy’s underwear

 The best part about being Christy’s underwear, was when she would workout, Jake thought to himself. He recently discovered he had reality warping powers. He could do whatever he wanted, he could BE anyone he wanted. And he had tried! The first couple months he was the president, he was a rich playboy (and then his wife). But, when he realized he could be inatimate objects too, and still have full consciousness, is when the fun really started.

Enter Christy. Daughter of a rich family, early 20s and on her colleges volleyball team. Jake always had a fetish for Calvin Klein underwear, so he did the old switch a too and turned himself into her favorite set. He would even have her wear him for days straight, the stench got so bad that her teammates would tell her. It all just turned him on more, which turned her on too. 

Jakes favorite feeling was when she would do cardio, and he could feel her sweat get his fabric all wet. He noticed he had a little control over her subconscious when he got really horny and just wanted to explode with an orgasm, and Christy stopped working out and went into the bathroom to masturbate. That was an experience! It was as if every rub of her clit was a stroke on Jakes dick, and so the pleasure was immense. From that point on, all he did was mess with Christys life (and then immediately undo it, he didn’t want to permanently damage someone’s rep.) he eventually got bored of being Christy’s underwear and wanted a change. Her history teacher, Mrs. Taylor, had the perfect white lace panties on. She would be his next target. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

I’ve always wanted to be you

 Adam sat Daniella down on his bed, he tried his best to compose a super serious tone. 

“Daniella, there’s something I have to tell you…” 

She took this as a joke, they had always had that sort of relationship

“What, you like me? Yeah me too lol” she said and chuckled. Adams refusal to return the smile made her laugh stop. 

“No it’s…idk how to…I’ve always felt that I should’ve been born a girl, and when I met you I realized how strongly I felt about this.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone

“And so…I found this body swap spell online, and was wondering if you’d be interested in trying it.” Daniella was at a loss for words, “is it permanent?” She asked, “no, it’s only for a day. I want to use it to see if I should start hormones and truely become a woman. A trial run, if you will.” She paused for a moment, 

 “Sure, I’m down.” 

Adam breathed a sigh of relief, then got out the spell and chanted it. After waiting, nothing happened, he tried again, and nothing happened. “I should’ve known to not trust the internet. I’m sorry to bother you about this.” Adam says, Daniella runs his shoulder, “it was worth a try. Thank you for asking consent-“ before she could finish, her phone rang. 

“Sorry that’s my mom, I gotta go.” She says, an empty feeling blossoming in Adams heart as she leaves. 

The next morning, he didn’t expect to wake up in her body!! He looked down, tits on his chest, a white pair of Calvin Klein underwear covering his new pussy. He shot up and stared ar his new face in the mirror.

“It worked! Holy shit it worked!” He grabbed his chest, the mounds of flesh filling up his hands. He felt a new throbbing sensation down below that he just HAD to investigate.

He had seen a lot of masturbation videos to get a good sense, he rubbed his tits and started breathing slowly, in no time his pussy opened up and he slid his fingers in the slimy wet hole. He stopped after 4 orgasms back to back fo back. What he didn’t tell Daniella is it WAS permanent, and she would never no the difference, as there was also a mind change affect that would make the swap-e think they were the swapper. He could truely fulfill his dream of being Daniella Michaels, 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Getting used to this:

 TW: C/NC MENTIONED!! If this isn’t your thing please do not read :) 

Things had been really…hairy since Mark and Ethan were forced to possess two girls to get the cops off their tail. 

Mark had secretly wished he was always a girl, so getting the time to adjust for him was small and easy, however the same couldn’t be said for Ethan. In his male body he was big and strong, so all of a sudden having to adapt to being a small and weak girl was a culture shock. Something that helped him, tho, was buying and constantly wearing a strap-on. The straps themselves were uncomfortable, but tricking his mind into having a sick again really helped him ease into his new life.

It took awhile for Mark to admit this to Ethan, but ever since switching he had developed something new..a consent/non-consent fetish. He loved getting taken advantage of unexpectedly in his small petite body. When Ethan heard, at first he was shocked, but after fuckinf him for the first time over the kitchen counter, when Mark was just doing his dishes, was a nice feeling. It was also a catharsis for Mark, seeing his tits move back and forth as he brought he roommate to orgasm, slowly helped him adjust.

Monday, October 11, 2021

No Loose Ends

 Daniel was tired of his life and wanted a change, so when he found a one time possession spell online he started hatching a plan. He couldn’t just possess someone and have that loose end. He’d go to the rich part of town, and go at night to ensure he got a young body, and at the last second jump in front and possess them. He knew if they were young, daddy’s money could fix any legal issues and as long as his body didn’t get injured during the crash he’d get off scott-free. He could even play the amnesia card and get the know-how on his new life!

And that’s exactly how he became Veronica. Her parents spoiled her rotten so he had nothing to worry about except make up, boys, and being Prom Queen of his new high school. 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

House Training Spot

 The Great Shift was a lot to handle for everyone.

For Matt specifically, he had his hands quite full. Him and the athletic MILF next door swapped bodies, which would have been fine - if his dog Spot didn’t end up in her daughters body. Spot had no idea what was going on, but he adapted well! He still knew how to rollover, and sit, but definitely the hardest part was his new bladder.

He didn’t know how to handle it, and so for the first month or so he’d just go right on the floor. Matt seeing an attractive girl just let herself loose definitely didn’t help, he found out about Abigails pee fetish super quick…

Fun Night

Derek couldnt stop dancing on the dance floor, alcohol felt so much different in Anise’s body and he loved it! He felt so cute and so free. ...