Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hello! || Commissions Open ||

 Hey all you wonderful TG and Body Switch short story lovers! 

Just wanted to announce to you all that I will officially be opening Commissions up for your personal short story needs! The pricing info is as follows: 

$5 per 100 words, which is about the average size of a post on here, rounded up (IE: 564 words is rounded up to $30) then plus any tip you feel comfortable with sending!

I do not kink shame, as well. Your wish is my command. However if I am not comfortable with certain aspects we can discuss that further 

To get your own customized story, please send me an email at, within the body of the email write your preferred length of the story and any relevant details, then we’ll work out the rest from there! 

I’m excited for this opportunity to grow as a writer and help you guys scratch some of your itches! 



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Fun Night

Derek couldnt stop dancing on the dance floor, alcohol felt so much different in Anise’s body and he loved it! He felt so cute and so free. ...