Fancy Night Out

 Jaime couldn’t stop thinking about what he was gonna do to his new body when he got home. He was contemplating ripping this dress off just to get to his tits faster, it wouldn’t take much because the dress was practically paper thin already. He was already really horny but seeing his reflection in the mirror every time the car bounced, and feeling his new assets jiggle made everything worse. Stuck in his fantasy world, imagining how good his clit was gonna feel and how ra-

“Honey? You ok back there?” This bodies Dad asked

“Huh? Sorry, was just thinking about homework.” Jaime made up on the spot, these poor parents had no idea their daughter wasn’t even in the car with them. He giggled then asked again 

“It was nice seeing Thomas there…and his son…huh” he did feel his teenage hormones flair at the mention of Thomas. He personally didn’t see it, but his new instincts certainly did. 

“Yeah, I mean he’s alright…” he trailed off, his new parents let him go after that. Sensing that their little bear was tired from their night out. 


  1. I loved this history and I am curious for the continue... Plzz make the part 2


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