Wednesday, November 17, 2021

I’m a cat?

 Jack was thrilled when he noticed the little kitty follow him home. He always loved cats, and so having a new friend would be awesome. He was definitely surprised when the stray let him pick him up! Normally it takes months if trust to even let them pet you. 

He was about to open his front door, is new friend behind, when everything started spinning and it all went black. Next he knew, he was awake in his bed, but something felt off…he sat up and saw…tits? And girl hands? He had turned into a girl! He turned around and saw a tail too? Somehow he had turned into a cat girl. Then, his old body walked in. 

“I’m sure you’re really confused…I know I was at first.” Jack tried to respond, but could only muster a meow. 

“First thing that confused me was to me - I looked human. But to everyone else, I was a cat” then it hit him, it all made sense. 

“Now you can find another body to become - as I’ve become you - but it has to be the opposite gender of your previous body, hence why you’re a girl cat and I was a boy.” Jack could only meow once more.

“While I get used to my new equipment I’ll let you stay here, but after a couple days you should leave - find a new place and be a new person. This is a gift!” 

Jack didn’t have trouble finding a new body after he was let go from his old life. He knew exactly who to target…he figured if he had the chance to start over he’d definite start young, so he could be a genius comparatively and move up in the world faster. Being a girl, and going through puberty again, would stink but he could manage. And so, he set his sights on the middle school just down the road... 

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