Fuckin Bitch

 Darren was just working his part-time retail job when this Karen came up and ruined his vibe. Blaming him for stuff he had no control over, being really rude, the whole deal. What she didn’t know was Darren had the power to possess people at will - this lady, obviously needing some tension released - was his first target of the day. After taking control of her wonderfully fit body, Darren made his way to one of the fitting rooms. He peeled off the black yoga pants and thong that stuck to her body like glue, because it was so hot and she was so sweaty, then unzipped the black sports bra that covered her wonderfully perky, but small, tits and got to work 

At around his third orgasm, he decided he’d take her phone out and find if she had a lover. She didn’t, but she did have somebody in her phone named “Fucking Idiot Brian” - probably an ex-lover or something, he snapped a pic of her right as she orgasmed again, and sent it to him, then returned to his body. 

Darren was in the break room, and only heard a little screaming and a “ma’am wait!” But after that he never saw her again  


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