FOSE Story

 Kaitlyn was almost there. She had been masturbating for around 5ish minutes, and was finally about to cum. She felt it building and building, and when she was about to explode the briefest of thoughts of her manager at work fluttered through her brain, then everything went black.

Ryan was in shock when he woke up to fingers in his own pussy. He though he just got lightheaded from the gym, but once he moved, feeling the juices from whoever owned this body on his new legs, feeling his tits jiggle with slight movement, it was a dream come true. At first he and Kaitlyn thought it was an isolated event, that just them two had swapped. It took only minutes for them to see updates through different news articles. Ryan was a little delayed though - rubbing his new clit, and massaging his new wonderful boobs in Kaitlyns underwear was so addicting he lost all sense of time. 


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